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Legal IT: Copyright in the Digital World

28 septembre 2013

Cette présentation intitulée « Copyright in the Digital World » a été présentée par Me Sunny Handa, à l’occasion de la conférence Legal IT 7.0, le 26 mars 2013 au Centre des sciences de Montréal.

[English] This talk address the operation of the Copyright Act as it applies to works in digital form. After many years of trying, the Canadian government recently passed its digital copyright Bill which finally amended the Copyright Act to deal with many modern digital and networking issues that affect modern day commerce as well as the personal use of technology. This session attempt to demystify and explain the operation of these modifications as well as how these upcoming changes will affect both copyright owners as well as users in an online environment. Topics discussed include how the Copyright Act affects Internet services, cloud services, file sharing, digital streaming, digital reproductions as well as a range of other digital issues.

Cette vidéo vous est offerte par la conférence Legal IT de l’AJBM en partenariat avec droitdu.net.



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